
Showing posts from August, 2022

4.3 Aviation Security: TSA Layers of Security "Hardened Cockpit Doors"

4.3 Aviation Security: TSA Layers of Security     Hardened Cockpit Doors  Since the tragic and infamous terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)  has worked diligently to provide measures to keep all members and users of the Aviation Industry safe. numerous bills and new procedures were put in place after the attacks, learning from past experiences thus making efforts in making airports, border control and commercial flying safer.  One of the most significant and visible layer of security implemented was Hardened Cockpit Doors, these doors would have been instrumental in preventing the terrorist from having access to the flight deck and gaining control of the airplane for  their malicious intentions, turning the aircraft into a vehicle of destruction. The Hardened Cockpit doors work with secure keypads, the codes are change regularly and only the current crew members of the flight know the code.   As of today, Hardened Doors are install

3.2 Aircraft Systems and Flight: Pressurization system

 Aircraft Systems and Flight: Pressurization system Almost all the commercial airplanes we're used to fly in have a pressurization system, this system works in close relationship with a pneumatic system that's depends on bleed air from the engines, this mixture of high pressure and low pressure bleed air generally goes through a heat exchange phase and reaches the passenger cabin filtered to supply breathable air to the people inside the aircraft. Modern airplanes have reliable pressurization systems with redundancies and Emergency pressurization modes, but failures can still happen, in this case emergency descent procedures to lower altitudes might be necessary. The cabin pressurization system in an aircraft is responsible for maintaining a comfortable and safe environment for the passengers and crew. If the pressurization system fails, the cabin will lose pressure and the occupants will be exposed to the outside environment, which can be potentially dangerous ( Lauritz

Environmental Factors: Icing in Aviation

 Environmental Factors: Icing in Aviation   Although there are various environmental factors that have an affect in aircraft’s performance,       Icing conditions are perhaps one of the most feared by any Pilot. As most pilots flying in the       state of Florida, Icing is something that we study but for the most part never get to experience in real life until we either advance in our careers flying Jets or get to fly up north where Icing conditions are a every day thing that pilots need to plan for in order to conduct their flights safely.  when thinking about Icing and how it affects an aircraft's performance, we have to first understand that not all airplanes are certified to fly into known icing conditions, this of course limits the operation to flying in fair weather where icing conditions will not become a hazard to the operation.   Icing build up on surfaces of an airplane results in performance issues, examples of this would be the weight increase due to ice adhering to the
  Definition of   ethic 1 a :  a set of moral principles  :  a theory or system of moral values When we think about ethics in the Aviation industry safety is the first thing that comes to mind, although it is true that flight operations must aim to mitigate risk and maintain the safety standards closely regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration we must also  broaden   our view understanding that the Aviation industry is made of multiple participants and roles not limited to the safe operation of commercial or private airplanes.  Ethical issues aren't limited to loss of life or injury, there are also ethical standards such as honesty, responsibility and   fulfilling  obligations that must be a part of the vision and mission of the companies that make the industry and therefore imprinted in their workforce. (Zuehlke, 2005). Having an ethical approach to conducting business, being a responsible company that values their employees and it's costumers is key in achieving safet